We have preserved the dying art of metal finishing and metal shaping to ensure the finished product satisfies not only our clients but us as craftsmen. Each panel is metal finished. Where possible, all repairs are finished by hammer and dolly. No plastic filler is used. Where filling is required, due to limited or no access to the panel, lead loading is the only option considered.
Body restoration and accident damage are both areas which we pride ourselves on. With the necessary tools and experience, any shape can be achieved, including customised body alterations and fabricating panels that are no longer available. It is through our techniques, equipment and expertise that we are able to achieve results that were not thought possible.
We have acquired and tailor made many pieces of equipment over the years to assist us with the restore and repair process. In our eyes these pieces of equipment are irreplaceable and used on a regular basis to assist us in the restoration process. With the combination of classic and modern pieces of equipment, we are able to call upon a wide range of tools to get the job done.
Oxy-Acetylene Welding
Due to heat shrinking from the welding process panels will distort. When panels are to be fused together our preferred method is oxy-acetylene welding. This technique allows the weld area to be hammered up (further worked) after welding to achieve a panel that is true to shape.
Our Celette Jigging System offers a zero tolerance accuracy that aligns with manufacturers specifications. The Celette fixtures comprises the manufacturers build specifications and the best possible clamping system. This allows for the optimum panel alignment. Some other systems use electronic measuring which can lead to varying results. With Celette, the jig either fits precisely or not at all.
Spot Welding
We use a spot welder manufactured by Wielander and Schill which is considered the market leader in the industry. This ensures that your vehicle has the same quality of spot weld (both visually and integrally) as when it left the factory. It is approved by all prestige car manufacturers.
We have many other pieces of equipment and tools within our workshop including a 1930’s Wheeling Machine and a wide assortment of specialised hammers and dollies.